Bioprocessing Innovations

Online Summit 2024


Session 1
Panel Discussion
1.00 – 2.00pm GMT

Discussion Panel

Challenges in Cell Line Development

The panel discussion will feature distinguished experts in biotechnology and life sciences examining the intricate challenges associated with cell line development. The session will address key issues, including time-to-market considerations, optimization of clone selection, assurance of product consistency, and compliance with regulatory standards. Additionally, topics such as data management and the application of AI in cell line development will be discussed. Expert insights into cutting-edge methodologies and technologies aimed at enhancing the efficiency and reliability of cell line development processes will be shared. This discussion is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved and to foster knowledge exchange among professionals dedicated to advancing biopharmaceutical research and production.

Session 2
Product Launch
2.15 – 2.30pm GMT

Automated Clone Screening

Introduction of a new automated clone screening system

In this insightful session, we will feature an exclusive interview with Dr. Sebastian Hofzumahaus, the Product Manager at Beckman Coulter Life Sciences, focusing on top clone screening. This discussion will delve into the innovative features and capabilities of the new platform, which is designed to streamline and enhance the efficiency of clone screening in cell line development. Dr. Hofzumahaus will provide an in-depth overview of how the new system addresses critical challenges in the selection of high-performing clones.

Key topics will include the platform’s advanced screening methodologies, data management capabilities, and integration with existing workflows. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how the new platform can optimize the clone selection process, reduce time-to-market, and improve overall productivity in biopharmaceutical development. This session is an excellent opportunity for professionals involved in cell line development to learn from an expert and explore cutting-edge solutions for top clone screening.

Global Commercial Product Manager
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Session 3
Product Demonstration
2.45 – 3.00pm GMT

Automated Clone Screening

Technical Aspects of the new platform

Welcome to our live product demonstration of our new automated clone screening system, an innovative platform designed to revolutionize clone screening in cell line development. In this session, you will experience firsthand how the system can streamline and enhance the efficiency of your clone selection process. Our expert presenters will walk you through the platform’s advanced features, including its robust screening methodologies, intuitive user interface, and seamless integration with existing workflows.

The new system is engineered to address key challenges such as top clone selection and accelerating time-to-market. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, the new system optimizes the identification and selection of high-performing clones, ultimately driving productivity and reliability in biopharmaceutical development.

Join us as we explore the capabilities of the new clone screening system in detail, and demonstrate its potential to transform your cell line development processes. Whether you are an industry veteran or new to the field, this live demo promises to provide valuable insights and practical knowledge to enhance your research and production efforts.

Technical Product Manager
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Global Commercial Product Manager
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Session 4
3.15 – 3.30pm GMT

The New Clone Screening System

R&D Data Presentation

Anna Kress, Manager Applications Science, will delve into the intricacies of R&D data generation using the new automated clone screening platform in this enlightening session. The presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of how the system facilitates robust data collection and analysis throughout the research and development process. Anna will highlight the platform’s capabilities in generating high-quality, reliable data that drives informed decision-making in cell line development.

Key topics will include advanced data acquisition techniques, integration with existing laboratory workflows, and the utilization of the new platform’s analytical tools to enhance research outcomes. The session aims to provide a deeper understanding of how the new system can optimize data generation, improve efficiency, and support the advancement of biopharmaceutical research.

This presentation offers an invaluable opportunity to explore the benefits of the new platform in elevating R&D data quality and accelerating the development pipeline. Anna’s expertise and insights promise to provide practical knowledge and innovative strategies for leveraging this powerful platform in research endeavours.

Technical Product Manager
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Session 5
Panel Discussion
3.45 – 4.45pm GMT

Discussion Panel

Challenges in Analytical characterization of mAbs & ADCs and process optimization of cell culture & media

Leading experts in the field will focus on critical challenges in analytical characterization of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), as well as process optimization of cell culture and media. The session will address key issues, including advanced analytical techniques for mAbs and ADCs, ensuring product quality and consistency, and overcoming hurdles in cell culture and media optimization. Additionally, the integration of data management strategies and compliance with regulatory standards will be discussed. Expert insights into innovative methodologies and technologies aimed at enhancing the efficiency and robustness of these processes will be shared. This discussion aims to deepen the understanding of these complex issues and to drive collaborative problem-solving among professionals in biopharmaceutical research and production.

Session 6
Case Study
5.00 – 5.30pm GMT

In Solution Characterization

Using Analytical Ultracentrifugation applied to monoclonal antibodies

Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) is a powerful technique employed for the characterization of antibodies, offering detailed insights into their size, anisotropy, and interactions. This method involves centrifuging samples to generate sedimentation profiles, which can be analyzed to determine molecular weights, oligomeric states, and conformational changes. AUC is particularly advantageous for antibody characterization, as it operates in solution, preserving the native state of the molecules and allowing for the study of their behavior in physiologically relevant conditions. The technique provides high-resolution data critical for understanding antibody stability, aggregation, and complex formation, making it an invaluable tool in the development and quality control of therapeutic antibodies.

Global Market Development Manager
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Session 7
Case Study
5.30 – 6.00 pm GMT

Valita Titer & Valita Aggregation Pure assays:

High-throughput, automation ready process analytics for monoclonal antibody screening

Learn how the Valita Titer and Valita Aggregation Pure assays can enhance process timelines through high-throughput analysis of monoclonal antibodies in less than 15 minutes. Either measure IgG titer with the Valita Titer assay or protein aggregation using the Valita Aggregation Pure assay. Both plate-based assays follow a simple workflow which enables easy automation with our Biomek i-Series Automated Workstations.

Global Product Manager Cell Health
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Senior Product Development Scientist
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Session 8
Case Study
6.00 – 6.30pm GMT

The Vi-CELL BLU Analyzer:

Your alternative for the Cedex® Hi-Res

Join us for an insightful session on transitioning from the Roche Cedex® HiRes analyzer to the Vi-CELL BLU cell viability analyzer. This session will delve into the comparative performance of both devices using CHO and HEK cells across a wide measurement range. Our expert presenters will highlight the remarkable accuracy and linearity of both cell counters, while underscoring the distinct advantages of the Vi-CELL BLU instrument in terms of throughput, range, measurement time, and sample volume. Explore the comparable results obtained from both devices, with a focus on the adjustments needed for optimal performance. Learn how the Vi-CELL BLU analyzer excels in delivering higher throughput and faster measurement times with lower sample volumes. Discover how the Vi-CELL BLU analyzer’s adjustable mixing and aspiration cycles can enhance accuracy when working with clumpy cell lines. Understand the impact of altering cell type parameters on cell concentration measurements and the advantages of the Vi-CELL BLU analyzer’s decluster degree setting for higher upper limits. This session is designed for researchers and lab technicians aiming to improve their cell counting efficiency and accuracy. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into making a seamless transition to the Vi-CELL BLU cell viability analyzer and optimizing your cell counting processes.

Manager, Global Commercial Product Management Cell Health
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Application Scientist (Cell Health BU)
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Session 9
Case Study
6.45 – 7.15pm GMT

Case Study

Transition from Vi-CELL XR analyzer to Vi-CELL BLU analyzer

Manual (How to come to from the XR to the BLU)

In this session, we will discuss the Vi-CELL Series cell analyzers, focusing on transitioning from the older Vi-CELL XR to the new Vi-CELL BLU instrument. Arianna Cerquone, a key member of the European Application Team, will explain her role in assisting customers with this transition, ensuring a smooth shift from older or manual methods to the automated Vi-CELL BLU system.

Arianna will highlight significant improvements in the Vi-CELL BLU analyzer, including reduced sample volume, increased speed of image capture, and enhanced instrument-to-instrument correlation due to three-point calibration with single-use controls.

Attendees will delve into the technical aspects, such as higher resolution images and improved statistical accuracy.

Global Market Development Manager
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
EU Field Application Specialist
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Session 10
Case Study
7.15 – 7.45pm GMT

Bioprocessing 4.0

The role of connectivity and IT security Vi-CELL BLU Analyzer

In this session, our Product Manager Daniel Koeffers and Senior IT Specialist Sören Kromrey will explore how the Vi-CELL BLU cell viability analyzer from Beckman Coulter Life Sciences can support the transition to Bioprocessing 4.0—the biopharmaceutical counterpart of Industry 4.0.

The discussion will highlight the system’s robust data storage using a PostgreSQL database, known for reliability and high-performance queries, and how measurement data can be transferred to customer networks through familiar methods like network drives, with options for automatic export in various formats. Addressing network integration concerns, the session will detail how the Vi-CELL BLU analyzer can authenticate users and transfer data with minimal firewall configuration, even without direct Active Directory domain integration. The exploration will cover offline data evaluation, allowing users to export data as ZIP files for analysis on any Windows 10 64-bit computer, with automated export options available.

Additionally, we will present how the Vi-CELL BLU analyzer can be integrated into Sartorius Ambr®250 High Throughput Bioreactor and Ambr®15 Cell Culture systems, and the Seg-Flow S3 from Flownamics, enabling fully automated monitoring of multiple bioreactors. This automation will align with the goals of Bioprocessing 4.0 by reducing the need for skilled operators, making manual tasks more efficient, and allowing scientists to monitor and manage processes in real-time—even from remote locations.

Manager, Global Commercial Product Management Cell Health
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Senior IT Specialist Europe
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Session 11
Case Study
7.45 – 8.15pm GMT

Centrifugal Solutions for the Bioprocessing workflow

An update

Discover the latest advancements in bioprocessing with Dr. Lutz Ehrhardt, Sr. Global Market Development Manager, as he explores how new tools are meeting the increasing demand for standardized and well-documented workflows. Dr. Ehrhardt will highlight the innovative labware solutions that are revolutionizing the field by streamlining processes and eliminating time-consuming, non-value-adding steps. Learn how these advancements are simplifying the use of centrifuge systems for a variety of tasks, from high-throughput harvesting to sample purification. Gain insights into how these cutting-edge solutions are enhancing efficiency and productivity in bioprocessing workflows. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve with expert knowledge and practical applications.

Sr. Global Market Development Manager
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Session 12
Case Study
8.15 – 8.45pm GMT

Cell Line Development Automation

Cell Line Development (CLD) often becomes a bottleneck in biopharmaceutical production due to its complex, labor-intensive, and time-consuming processes. Automated systems from Beckman Coulter Life Sciences address these challenges by integrating advanced robotics, high-throughput screening, and data management to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and speed. Automated systems can be utilized to optimize the entire CLD workflow, starting from single cell seeding, progressing through expansion and selection, and concluding with cryostock generation or upscaling. Here, we provide some key examples of how automation can enhance and facilitate CLD workflows.

Field Project Manager
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Session 14
Case Study
10.30 – 11.00pm GMT

Case Study

Gene Cloning Monitoring with Biolector

Session description coming soon